Before I lost my hard disk my displays both had directional arrows on the uppermost bars.
On reloading I have lost these arrows and now have to use the three button method.
I feel certain that there must be something very simple that one can do reinstate the arrows - is there a kindly Robin Hood out there?
Just a simple block arrow head that pointed to the other screen and which, when ticked, transferred to the other screen whatever was showing - backgrounds excepted.
It arrived in place after I purchased the software and I took it to be an upgrade of sorts and it was very handy and replaced the 3 key approach but if you do not know about it all I can say is "what a shame!"
This is the video card on this IBM and I have, recently, searched for an update as suggested for Autocad but other than the search I have not altered the card or, knowingly, imported and then deleted any extras.
How do I get the arrows back? and if there is no answer to that question can I ask if Display Fusion foresee doing something similar as it automates the whole system with two screens and, I suppose, with extra screens as well.
I will try fiddling with the card and see if I cannot replicate what I might have done before! !
How do I get the arrows back? and if there is no answer to that question can I ask if Display Fusion foresee doing something similar as it automates the whole system with two screens and, I suppose, with extra screens as well.
This thread should answer your question:
My arrow was a solid block and not as pretty as the UltraMon one as given.
I have upgraded my video card just in case that created the arrows but to no avail except that my screens switched over from one to two. Solved that one but like the other writer I do miss those arrows and await (im) patiiently for the update.
I do not have anything in my upper bar and my screen movements are either "click on the blue bar and move it over" or "use the three buttons" !
I feel I am missing something but as it works in its present state, and I can get my work done, that is all I ask for but I will not refuse any addition.
Perhaps I should look in 'advanced settings' again ?
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks!