Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
I have a similar problem as described by fpdragon.
My setup:
Laptop and two external monitors, all set to 1920 x 1080. The external monitors have a scaling of 100%, the laptop screen of 125%.
Laptop is on the right side, monitor numbering is (from left to right): 3 - 2 - 1.
Monitor 2 is primary screen.
I have a custom trigger which waits for a window to be created and then moves this window to size and location:
Left: -861
Top: 11
Width: 4689
Height: 1028
This should span the window across all three screens and it works, if the laptop screen is set to a scaling of 100%. But if it is set to 125%, the window's right edge ends up at the right edge of monitor 2. And the left edge is far outside of the left edge of monitor 3.
As per your suggestion to fpdragon I tried to call the action "move to size and location" a second time, but it doesn't work either.
You wrote that you may have actually fixed this. Is it already implemeted in the current beta?
Best regards,
Apr 20, 2020 (modified Apr 20, 2020)
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
Hello Keith,
the problem persists with the current beta version. Attached the log file.
I checked the data, the trigger is started at:
2020/04/21 16:40:21.5206
Window Text: '"TRACE32 PowerView"'
Thanks for your help,
• Attachment [protected]: [72,046 bytes]
Ok, we've just posted 9.7 Beta 11, could you give it a try and let me know how it works out?
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
Hi Keith,
it seems to work now. Thanks!
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
same topic, new problem. A different program is not shown correctly, when I open it.
Same setup:
Laptop and two external monitors, all set to 1920 x 1080. The external monitors have a scaling of 100%, the laptop screen of 125%.
Laptop is on the right side, monitor numbering is (from left to right): 3 - 2 - 1.
Monitor 2 is primary screen.
A program which opens up on monitor 2 should be moved to monitor 1, using 'Move Window to specific Size and Location'.
First fun fact:
When I use the 'Drag this over a window to use its size and location' feature, I get different size results on different monitors.
If the window is on monitor 2, the result is W=665, H=516.
If it's on monitor 1, the result is W=830, H=645.
If I try to have it moved to monitor 1, it's cropped on right and bottom.
And this regardless of any size which I enter manually.
See attached pictures 'Is_665x516.jpg' and 'Is_830x645.jpg' which use different size settings.
'Should.JPG' shows the original window, before it moves. I had that trigger active for a long time, it worked with the last stable release, but it seems not to work with beta 11.
I also attached a log. Relevant entry:
2020/05/19 12:02:43.5823##_##INFO:L1 [...] Path: "[...]\KEFEX Winflash...
• Attachment [protected]: [46,628 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Is_665x516.JPG [55,199 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Is_830x645.JPG [51,677 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Should.JPG [74,749 bytes]
The differing values may be expected, because of the different scaling levels, but I'm checking with our developers on that.
As for the window being distorted, is the WinFlash window the only one that does that?
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
no, WinFlash is not the only one. I have another program (Company proprietary), which I have set to be moved to monitor 1, and it shows the same bevahior. That program changes window content and size with any action, and once it does that, it goes back to normal.
There migth be other programs which I jsut havent used recently. I can check, but not before next Tuesday.
If you just use the "Move Window to Next Monitor" function on WinFlash or that other window, does it have the same issue?
Ok, did that issue with WinFlash start happening only with the recent betas? Or did it start happening after your monitor DPI changed to 125%?
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
It started with the recent betas. The monitor scaling exists since mid of last year.
Ok, could you roll back to 9.6.1 temporarily to confirm that you don't have that issue with WinFlash?
May 22, 2020 (modified May 22, 2020)
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
Here's the result of my tests:
The issue also appears with "Move Window to Next Monitor".
It disappears when I install DF 9.6.1, but I need to reset the "size and position" values by dragging the cross hair symbol over the target window with correct size and location. Using the old values which were generated with the latest beta does lead to the same problem.
I have several programs where this issue does not appear. But these are all windows which are not fixed size. I.e. mostly MDF with the resize corner bottom right.
I tried to identify a program whih is fixed size and publicly available. I found the snipping tool which comes with Windows:
That's fixed size and shows the same issue.
Important: The issue appears only, if the window opens on a monitor with 100% scaling and then is moved by DF to the monitor with 125% scaling.
Snipping tool saves the position on closing, so close it while it's on a 100% monitor, then try the trigger.
Christian Treffler
53 discussion posts
I've been running the new beta for 3 days now. No problems.
Excellent, glad to hear it!