On my old 5:4 screen I used to have the taskbar vertically on the left side of the screen.
This allowed me to have more Programs shown and I could access the taskbar from the 2nd monitor on the left side very fast (short distance)
I recently bought a 3440:1440 monitor, where this solution is just not feasible anymore. The travel distance from the taskbar to a program on the right side of the screen is just too big.
A friend told me that Display Fusion can split the screen and create additional taskbars. So I bought the program and sadly failed to customize it to my needs.
Here what I’m trying to do:
I’m usually working with 50% of the width in the middle for the main program, 25% on the left for Video (upper half), and File Browser (lower half), 25% on the right for supporting programs/communication.
[x] I want to Split the Screen in 3 Parts: left, middle & right.
[x] I want to have 3 taskbars
[x] Left Taskbar on the bottom
[x] Right Taskbar on the bottom
[?] Middle Taskbar vertically on the left side
[x] for I was able to do that, [?] I was unable to do that
My problem lies in the fact that windows automatically chooses which of the taskbar is the normal windows taskbar. No matter what I try windows always chooses the middle screen.
And windows doesn’t allow vertical midscreen taskbars, if I try to put it vertical it snaps it to the far side on the left screen.
I achieved to get the Display Fusion taskbar vertical in the middle of the screen on the splitlines (the taskbar from the left part) but not the windows default one.
I see three ways how to solve my problem, but I don’t know how to do that:
1. Assign the left taskbar to windows, then I can put a Display Fusion Taskbar in the middle go vertical
2. Disable the default windows taskbar and make all three taskbars be managed by Display Fusion
3. Create an additional taskbar in the middle with Display Fusion to go vertical (then I would have 2 taskbars in the middle)
As I like to see all running programs in the system tray (no collapse/hidden feature) the 3. Solution might be the best solution, because I could free space in the vertical taskbar.
I could disable the system tray on all Display Fusion taskbars and have them shown In the middle taskbar on the bottom.
Thanks for the help