Paul Serban
2 discussion posts
After automatically upgrading the PC from Win10 to Win11, wallpaper doesn't change anymore, it is the same wallpaper all the time.
I have tree monitors, and for each one a picture from a folder should be displayed for 1 minute.
I uninstall the program, installed again, worked for few days, than back to the same issue - wallpaper not changing.
Also changing the profile doesn't do noting, still same wallpapers showing.
Help please.
Does the wallpaper change work for a little while after restarting DisplayFusion or does it never work at all? Thanks!
Paul Serban
2 discussion posts
It is working now, after I uncheked / cheked the "Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Desktop Wallpaper" option in desktop wallpaper settings, no issues in the tha last 4 days.