oh thanks,
I looked for that, couldnt find them !
(Set CTRL+Shift+S =save /CTRL+Shift+A =resume)
So I'd already set something but not so easy-to-use (see pic)
The issue with both your and mine solution is: It's not dynamic.
And that was what I was trying to obtain.
I know it's easier when you knowingly "leave your desk"
but in my unusual situation there is "no desk" here...
so... (I've set stand-by in 22 minutes)
I dont know the returning time when I'll leave alone the PC...
door bells, phone calls, etc.. are the main reasons to make me move,
may be chained with something else on the fly
then I stay out of the room for an unespected amount of time.
So thanks.
That suggestion will be precious, easier way to save/resume positions!!!