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5 discussion posts
Is there any plans for increased integration between Win10 Virtual Desktops and DisplayFusion? Things like automatically move certain applications/windows to certain desktops based on application or title. Or have different backgrounds for each monitor on each vDesktop. Or even give a border or top/bottom/taskbar change of color or some indicator to show which vDesktop you're on. Or hotkeys to move them to previous/next/n vDesktop.
Jul 10, 2020  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This is high on our list for DisplayFusion 10. We've been working hard behind the scenes to sort out some issues around virtual desktops so it should be ready for prime time in DisplayFusion 10. :)
Jul 13, 2020  • #2
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5 discussion posts
Oh cool! Ok, fair enough, I'll wait patiently. Or try to anyway. At least it's in the pipeline so that's good! Hopefully DF10 will be along Soon™. ;)
Jul 17, 2020 (modified Jul 17, 2020)  • #3
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Josh Ellen
8 discussion posts
Not to bring up a dead thread or anything but I am really hopeful for this feature as well. Having DF compatible with Win10 Virtual desktops has become a must for me.

Thanks in advance!
Feb 10, 2021  • #4
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5 discussion posts
Haven't seen anything related to DisplayFusion 10, so sadly sounds like this feature will be a while in coming. :(
Feb 10, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

This is still on our list to add in for v10, but there still are some technical issues we need to look into, so we have no promises :)

Feb 12, 2021  • #6
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luck hermsen
8 discussion posts
Any news on this?
When switching desktops, only the main screen works. on the other screens my windows are the same on all virtual desktops.
Nov 8, 2021  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Nothing yet, sorry!
Nov 8, 2021  • #8
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5 discussion posts
Hopefully you'll continue to work on it, and not abandon Win10 users for this sort of feature in favor of only focusing on Win11.
Nov 8, 2021  • #9
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David Newbould
1 discussion post
Windows 11 user here and also looking for this feature! When Windows is handling wallpapers, each virtual desktop can have its own, however if DF is running things we only get 1 for all virtual desktops.
Jan 6, 2022  • #10
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31 discussion posts
Just wanted to add my support for more features with virtual desktops on Win 10.
Jan 19, 2022  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added :)
Jan 19, 2022 (modified Jan 19, 2022)  • #12
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Dovie Weinstock27515
1 discussion post
This is the one curcial thing that's missing.
Jan 21, 2022  • #13
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2 discussion posts
Even in Windows 11, virtual desktops don't have nearly the features as they've had for years on Linux. There is no real persistence across reboots, and desktops cannot have hot keys attached.

And while there used to be robust virtual desktop utilities for Windows, all have fallen out of development. None have been updated for Windows 10, and most aren't even usable with Windows 10. The vertible Dexpot still functions... somewhat, but hasn't been updated in over half a decade.

Currently, there is a nothing on the market addressing Display Fusion-like customization of Windows virtual desktops, and Microsoft doesn't seem likely to address it either.
Jan 24, 2022  • #14
Ron Rosen's profile on
Any update? This has been "high on (your) list" for almost 2 years. AFAICT, Microsoft started to include some related functionality in Win 10 in the dev build 21337 time frame, but it doesn't look like it made it into 21H2.
Feb 4, 2022  • #15
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2 discussion posts
Any update? This has been "high on (your) list" for almost 2 years. AFAICT, Microsoft started to include some related functionality in Win 10 in the dev build 21337 time frame, but it doesn't look like it made it into 21H2.

Agree, an update would be great.
Feb 6, 2022  • #16
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Morgan Leininger84052
1 discussion post
Any news on this?
When switching desktops, only the main screen works. on the other screens my windows are the same on all virtual desktops.

Have been wanting to switch from Actual Multiple Monitors to Display Fusion for some time. The lack of virtual desktop support keeps me from doing so.

Have just tried 10beta12, and just as this poster said some time back, the primary monitor functions properly, but all secondary monitors are no longer part of "virtual desktops". Apps on secondary monitors appear on all Windows Virtual Desktops.

Would be nice to hear that this is on the dev board for 10 launch...
Feb 13, 2022  • #17
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Indeed this is still on our list to look into, but we have no updates yet.

Feb 24, 2022  • #18
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1 discussion post
Just to add my vote. I find that I have a choice to use Display Fusion or Virtual Desktops. Virtual Desktops are a must so bye-bye Display Fusion. When is v10 coming out???
Apr 4, 2022  • #19
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5 discussion posts
Just to add my vote. I find that I have a choice to use Display Fusion or Virtual Desktops. Virtual Desktops are a must so bye-bye Display Fusion. When is v10 coming out???

DisplayFusion works OK with Virtual Desktops, it just doesn't necessarily have the potential that it could to make it better to visually identify exactly which one I'm on, without having to try and switch to figure it out.
Apr 4, 2022  • #20
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16 discussion posts
Just wanted to add my vote for this, would be neat to be able to select which desktop the wallpaper/etc. features apply to!
Apr 18, 2022  • #21
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1 discussion post
Another vote here for proper integration, different wallpapers on different virtual desktops etc
Jun 5, 2022  • #22
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7 discussion posts
Upvote here, I'm with Drizzt321, it would be great to have virtual desktop functions like "Move app to another / next / prev desktop" so you can assign keys or titlebar buttons. I like to have all my GUI interactions in one system, and DF is the best.
Jun 12, 2022  • #23
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!
Jun 13, 2022  • #24
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Mike Housiaux
2 discussion posts
I have used DisplayFusion for years and love it, but I'm very disapointed that this has been sorted yet.
Sep 1, 2022  • #25
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1 discussion post
Commenting to add my vote to this as well.
Sep 6, 2022  • #26
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Ryan Rutledge
1 discussion post
I have also been using DisplayFusion Pro for years, and would really appreciate proper support for Virtual Desktops. I don't even need anything especially fancy, just the same level of support for virtual desktops as the primary monitor currently has.
Sep 14, 2022  • #27
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Master Joda
3 discussion posts
I guess the software is dead. We are in the year 2022 and DisplayFusion is incompatible with the now very old feature of Windows virtual desktops. If you switch the desktop, any window which is not on the primary screen (e.g. your second or third monitor) will simply stay visible on ALL DESKTOPS FOREVER while Display fusion is running. This means you essentially EITHER have working virtual desktops, OR you use DisplayFusion. I chose to use a normal windows instead of destroying some features like virtual desktop.

I would be more positively inclined towards this issue, when the previous forum posts would not document how users have asked for a normal virtual desktop support for years already. Thus, anyone can be certain that the developers have pretty much abononed this application anyway.
Jan 5, 2023  • #28
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This issue hasn't been fixable (as mentioned here: because of a code change in Windows that removes any window from Task View if it doesn't have a button on the Windows taskbar. Windows 10 and 11 don't have an API that allows us to fix this issue.

Currently there are two workarounds (either will fix this):

1) Set the DisplayFusion taskbar mode to "Windows Taskbar Shows All Windows"


2) Disable the DisplayFusion multi-monitor taskbars and enable the Windows multi-monitor taskbars
Jan 5, 2023  • #29
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Master Joda
3 discussion posts
Wow what a fast and great response - I stand corrected, sir. :)

I hope this link (see post above) also helps others who (as I did) come to the wrong conclusion about the development state of the software.

Next week I will re-install DisplayFusion and try the first workaround you posted. If it works, I will also let everyone know my Windows 10 version, so that the state of the solution is documented for anyone using the same system I do. Thanks!
Jan 5, 2023 (modified Jan 5, 2023)  • #30
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear :)
Jan 6, 2023  • #31
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7 discussion posts
Would it be possible to allow all windows in the Windows taskbar, then hide that and replace it with a DisplayFusion one?
Jan 8, 2023  • #32
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You could set your taskbar mode to "Windows tasbar shows all windows, DisplayFusion shows relevant windows", and then set your Windows taskbar to autohide. You can then enable this advanced setting

That might get close to what you're looking for, but we don't support completely replacing the Windows taskbar at the moment.
Jan 9, 2023 (modified Jan 9, 2023)  • #33
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Master Joda
3 discussion posts
This is my result of using the solution:


1) Set the DisplayFusion taskbar mode to "Windows Taskbar Shows All Windows"

As the dev said, it works. However, it will also cause the primary taskbar to show ALL windows, not only those of the primary monitor. Thus the total system behavior will be:
- Primary monitor's taskbar shows ALL windows from all monitors
- Display fusion's 2nd monitor's taskbar shows the windows from the 2nd monitor only.
- Switching the virtual desktop will work normally, so that the windows stick to their respective virtual desktop

So apparently Microsoft has made it impossible for me to get my desired behavior of using the display fusion taskbar on the 2nd monitor, while only showing the respective monitor's windows on the corresponding taskbar, with the virtual desktop working normally. :'(

If there ever is a windows API change, please post this large and big here, as I will be the first to thank you for this! :)

Best regards
Jan 12, 2023 (modified Jan 12, 2023)  • #34
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8 discussion posts
This issue hasn't been fixable (as mentioned here: because of a code change in Windows that removes any window from Task View if it doesn't have a button on the Windows taskbar. Windows 10 and 11 don't have an API that allows us to fix this issue.

Currently there are two workarounds (either will fix this):

1) Set the DisplayFusion taskbar mode to "Windows Taskbar Shows All Windows"


2) Disable the DisplayFusion multi-monitor taskbars and enable the Windows multi-monitor taskbars

What about drawing the displayfusion multi-monitor task bar over the windows multi-monitor taskbar or will that be detrimental?
Apr 18, 2023  • #35
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately that would cause too many issues to be possible :(
Apr 24, 2023  • #36
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I know this is off topic, but what about the first virtual desktop? I am patiently waiting.
Jan 29, 2024  • #37
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The only feature I really want is the ability to move windows between virtual desktops.
If I could get that alone I would be very happy!
Jan 29, 2024  • #38
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Neil Groulx
1 discussion post
I'm trying the suggestion of Set the DisplayFusion taskbar mode to "Windows Taskbar Shows All Windows".
In addition I'm doing a vertical split with just 40pixels at the bottom of the main display. This houses the windows task bar which I set to auto-hide. Then the main window above it has a DF taskbar. Sure I lose 40pixels of height, but not I have virtual desktops working as I expect along with all my DF functionality!:D

I tried doing only 5pixels high, but it seems like DF got stuck in some kind of crashing loop. :'(
Feb 15, 2024  • #39
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1 discussion post
I am wondering if this is possible with DisplayFusion:

1) Primary monitor has 2/3 virtual desktops, each with different apps. And I can easily switch between them with gestures.

2) Secondary monitor has only 1 virtual desktop, so it doesn't change the app shown on screen. Also, no transition animation between the desktops because that is also distracting and slows it down. So basically the second monitor would be static, kind of.

Appreciate any help, thanks. Already a DF Pro users and it's great.
Mar 21, 2024  • #40
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion taskbars show windows on every virtual desktop already, so it might work the way you're expecting. Aside from disabling the animations, that's not something we have control over.
Mar 22, 2024  • #41
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