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7 discussion posts
Hi All,

I am using Windows 11 23h2 with DF 10.1.2.

I have a trigger that will move all new "created" windows to the current mouse cursor screen.
Whenever I want to do a screen capture by pressing Win+Shift+S, ALL of my existing/open Windows get minmized and all I see is the screen capture crosshairs and a blank desktop with my wallpaper (even my desktop icons get hidden). Any target window that I was about to screen shot has been minimized until I hit escape or capture the empty desktop which is not my intention. If I disable this trigger then windows behaves normally and allows me to do my screenshots as expected.

As you can see In this example, I am excluding Mozilla Windows And I suspect I can solve the problem by excluding something else, But I just don't know that would be more how would that capture it since the screenshot is essentially an overlay that you can't capture with the crosshairs via display fusion.

If you use an alternate application to become screenshots then this is not an issue only the built in windows 11 hot key.

If I use an alternate screenshot application, then this is no longer an issue and everything behaves normally, only built in Windows eleven hotkey is affected here.

Any suggestions?

Move all windows to current monitor example trigger.jpg
Move all windows to current monitor example trigger.jpg
May 13, 2024 (modified May 13, 2024)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This should be fixed up in our latest beta, you can grab it here:
May 14, 2024  • #2
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7 discussion posts
Thanks, that fixed the issue.
May 15, 2024  • #3
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