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Andrew Marks
6 discussion posts
On the Windows 7 taskbar the thumbnail images resize within their borders depending upon how many windows are open. If there are too many windows open in an application to show thumbnail images accurately, then you are shown a list of open windows as opposed to tumbnail images.

In contrast, the DF taskbar resizes the frames that corrspond to each open window in an application, but not the thumbnail images. This results in the thumbnail images do not being aligned with the corresponding frame.

I've attached two screen prints to show what I mean. In the first, the left-hand screen is using the Windows Taskbar and there are 7 open FireFox tabs. They are displayed in a list I assume because the thumbnails for all 7 would not fit the width of the screen. When fewer Firefox tabs are open, the thumbnails are shown. In the second screen print, the right-hand screen is using the DF taskbar. Three Microsoft Outlook windows are open, but you can see that the thumbnail images are not sized the same as the frames. You can see the three frames corresponding to the three open windows, but the thumbnail images are off and the last one is cut off.

Is there some setting that needs to be changed? The two monitors do have different resolutions (left is 1920x1200; right is 1280 x 1024) so maybe that is the problem. If so, is there any way to fix it?
• Attachment: screenprint.jpg [77,210 bytes]
Dec 1, 2011  • #1
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Andrew Marks
6 discussion posts
Sorry about those tiny images, try these two to see what I meant in last post. First one is the DF taskbar on right. Second image is showing Windows taskbar on left dispalying a list of open windows in an applcation instead of thumbnails
• Attachment: DF screenprint.jpg [1,020,304 bytes]
DF screenprint.jpg
DF screenprint.jpg
• Attachment: Windows TB screenprint.jpg [812,304 bytes]
Windows TB screenprint.jpg
Windows TB screenprint.jpg
Dec 1, 2011 (modified Dec 1, 2011)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the late response! Have you customized the size of the thumbnails for the Windows taskbar in the registry?
Dec 8, 2011  • #3
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Andrew Marks
6 discussion posts
You know I am not sure but I might have tweaked tem a while back. Do they need to be set to default values to overcome this problem? If so, do you know the default values?
Dec 8, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The customized values if you have them would be these values in the registry, and I believe you can just delete them and restart your computer to reset them to defaults. I haven't customized them on my machine and the keys below don't exist.


Dec 8, 2011  • #5
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Andrew Marks
6 discussion posts
I reset all values to default and deleted all tweaks in reg file as you suggested. Still the same problem. To me it seems like when Windows taskbar reachesthe maximum number of thumbnails it can show, it stops showing thumbnails and instead shows a list. The DF taskbar does not do that and tries to show all thumbnails of all applications, even if the thumbnails dont fit on the screen. Could it be that DF taskbar does not adhere to a minimum thumbnail size or that it is unable to swtch to a list? Any other suggestions?
Dec 8, 2011  • #6
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Andrew Marks
6 discussion posts
What happens when you open say 10 or 12 Word documents or Firefox windows on your computer on the screen which has the DF taskbar? Do you get a list of apps or all thumbnail windows where the actual thumbnail overlaps several windows and not all thumbnails are visible?
Dec 8, 2011  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! I was looking in the wrong direction since it looked like your previews were bigger than they should be, but I've tested and confirmed your issue :)

We'll try and get it fixed up for the next beta.

Dec 12, 2011  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This should be all fixed up in 3.4.1 Beta 11. The window list still needs a bit of work to get it working more like the native Windows one, but it's a step in the right direction :)
Dec 14, 2011  • #9
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