Sorry for the very-----long post.
- First you have the Crono Log
at the End my finding
-and my suppositions.
(x) = file number
- Boot - Wait 4 minutes - take FullScreen (1)
- Launch Df - hit Alt+Ctrl+3 (send to saved position) -nothing strange here
- Generate Info (2) - FullScreen (3)
Work some on PC have to go out 4 hours.
I come back, TV Screen is off. Turn on TV Screen hit mouse. PC wake up.
Something strange ( I see) cannot define what is it .
Just for test I hit Alt+Ctrl+3 with Thunderbird's windows open..
. Everything got garbled
. TB' window Crap
. some windows moved around withouth any logic
Take FullScreen (4)
Try to open DF to generate another Info - Cannot open DF.
Cannot Close TB, (crashed?) Kill TB.
Try again DF. Cannot still open DF.
ScreenShot list of actively using memory Program (5)
ScreenShot DF listy entry (6)
Force Launch of DF generate double instance error (7)
-Hot Reboot Windows
All windows out of normal position - after 4 mins Fullscreen ( 8 )
____________________Finding _________________
a) Nothing of this happened during last 10 days that I dont use anymore Df.
b) On Reboot W10 lost the correct positions.
It doesnt do that if DF is not running.
c) Malformed windows seems to appear ONLY when DF is running.
d) Wake up must have triggered some DF actions (internal I suppose)
I've never having made any specific task for that event.
__________________ reasonings_____________________
!!) It's the first time in ten days that TB lock itself.
- it happened twice a day or more while using DF -
(just reasoned that out)
In ten days no other programs stopped working !!
(wow, didnt perceive that also !!!!)
- I tought that my W10 was in bad need of a re-install !!
Up to you,
sorry coudnt get another Info file for you after that strange behavior
PS: let me know if you need other tests