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DisplayFusion has many built-in Functions for moving, sizing, or otherwise manipulating program windows. If you have a particular need that can't be fulfilled by the built-in Functions, you can also create custom Functions.
The basic steps for creating a custom Function are as follows:
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and click "Settings."
  • Select the "Functions" tab, click the "Custom Function" dropdown and select the "Add Custom Function" option.
    Add Custom Function
  1. Name your Function.
  2. Click "Edit" to assign a Hotkey (optional)
  3. Select the Function Action
    Function Action
Each Function Action option has its own additional configuration options. Selecting the Function Action from the dropdown alters the Create Function window as shown below.
"Manage Window" options are for moving and resizing the selected window.
The "Window Screen Action" dropdown addresses the larger movement and sizing options, such as moving the window to a specified monitor and altering its size.
Window Screen Action
The other dropdowns allow for more detailed window alignment and sizing configurations.
Align and Size
For exact positioning, drag the blue target icon onto the window at its current and desired location. You'll see the X, Y, Width and Height values automatically populate.
Drag Blue Target
This option will alter the transparency of the window using increments from 0 to 100.
This option moves the mouse cursor to the centre of a monitor of your choosing. Select the monitor or split from the Monitor preview.
Move Cursor
This option moves the cursor to an exact location, specified by X and Y values.
Move Cursor
This option lets you specify an application to launch. Click the "Select Application" button to choose from a list. You can also "Browse" for the file or drag the blue target over an open window to select its process file / executable file.
Selection Window
  • When finished configuring your Custom Function, click "OK."
  • To add your Custom Function to windows as a TitleBar Button, select the Function from the list and click "Add TitleBar Button." The "Enable TitleBar Buttons" checkbox must be enabled.
    TitleBar Button
  • Select the button style by choosing the Image Set and Image from the dropdowns, then click "OK."
    TitleBar Button
  • To apply and save your Custom Function changes, click "OK."
Move and Resize
Move the window to the centre of monitor 2 and size to 75% width and 60% height
Span the window across only 2 monitors in a 3 monitor setup
Move window to current monitor and size to 800px width and 600px height
DisplayFusion gives users power and precision over their multi-monitor setup, with automation and customization options to create the perfect displays, every time.
To learn more about DisplayFusion, visit:
Binary Fortress has spent 18 years in pursuit of one goal: create software to make life easier. Our software ranges from display management and system enhancement utilities to monitoring tools and digital signage. IT administrators, professional gamers, coffee-shop owners, and MSPs all rely on Binary Fortress to make their days better, and their lives easier.
Copyright © 2007-2025 Binary Fortress Software, all rights reserved.
The Binary Fortress logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
The DisplayFusion logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
Binary Fortress Software
1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 500
Kanata, Ontario, Canada