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DisplayFusion Triggers are a powerful and versatile way to automate your window management tasks. This document details the configuration options for Triggers and showcases several examples.
Note: There are a couple of reasons why DisplayFusion needs to slightly delay Trigger rule processing:
  • Many applications don't handle the call to move and resize correctly if it's sent before the window is fully visible.
  • If any Trigger rules that may match the window contain a Window Text condition, DisplayFusion needs to wait for the Window Text to be set before checking it. This is because many applications open first with some Window Text, then change the Window Text after fully loading. One example of this is web browsers, they open with just the browser name in the Window Text, then after the page loads, the Window Text changes to include the page title.
If you would like to tweak the default delay for the Window Text condition, you can use the "Default Sleep for Triggers (when needed)" setting in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window. The default is 150ms. Shorter delays will make Trigger rules process quicker, but can decrease reliability in matching.
To navigate to DisplayFusion's Triggers, right-click on the DisplayFusion tray icon and click "Settings."
Click on the "Triggers" tab and ensure the "Enable Triggers" checkbox is enabled. Individual Triggers can be enabled/disabled by selecting them from your list and using the "Enable" and "Disable" buttons at the bottom of the Triggers window.
Triggers tab
To begin with a new Trigger, click the "Add" button.
Add Trigger
Every Trigger needs an Event to initiate it and at least one Action to perform. Other requirements and restrictions can be applied via the many Trigger Options and Match Conditions as detailed in the sections below.
By default, the Trigger is enabled. You can disable it by disabling this checkbox.
Trigger Enabled
Events are what initiate the Trigger's actions. Some Event selections will require more details in the Match Conditions pane of the Edit Trigger window. Below are the current Event options:
Trigger area
Events List
Each Event can be set for use with a specific Monitor Profile using the relevant options in the Match Conditions pane.
Event Definition Additional Options Match Conditions Requirements
DisplayFusion Starts This will initiate the Trigger when the DisplayFusion software runs. Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked None
DisplayFusion Exits This will initiate the Trigger when the DisplayFusion software is stopped. Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked None
Desktop Locked This will initiate the Trigger when the Windows desktop is locked. None None
Desktop Unlocked This will initiate the Trigger when the Windows desktop is unlocked. None None
Monitor Profile Changed This will initiate the Trigger when DisplayFusion changes its Monitor Profile. Monitor Profiles are managed from the Monitor Configuration section accessed via the Options tab of DisplayFusion Settings. Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked None
Process Created This will initiate the Trigger when a Process runs. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename entry.
Process Ended This will initiate the Trigger when a Process stops. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename entry.
System Idle This will initiate the Trigger when the system is marked as idle. DisplayFusion uses the built-in Windows idle timer for System Idle Events. Idle Timeout, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked None
System Wakes from Sleep This will initiate the Trigger when the system wakes from sleep. Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked None
Timer Interval This will initiate the Trigger on a regular interval. Interval (required), Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked None
Window Created This will initiate the Trigger when a window is created. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Window Text, Window Class, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename, Window Text, OR Window Class entry.
Window Destroyed This will initiate the Trigger when a window is destroyed (closed). Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Window Text, Window Class, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename, Window Text, OR Window Class entry.
Window Focused This will initiate the Trigger when a window is focused on. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Window Text, Window Class, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename, Window Text, OR Window Class entry.
Window Maximized This will initiate the Trigger when a window is maximized. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Window Text, Window Class, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename, Window Text, OR Window Class entry.
Window Minimized This will initiate the Trigger when a window is minimized. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Window Text, Window Class, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename, Window Text, OR Window Class entry.
Window RestoredThis will initiate the Trigger when a window is restored. Frequency, Stop processing triggers if this one matches, Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked, Process Filename, Process Command Line Parameters, Window Text, Window Class, Delay before checking match conditions Requires a Process Filename, Window Text, OR Window Class entry.
Option Definition Dependency Required?
Don't run this trigger when the desktop is locked This Trigger will not run when the Windows desktop is in the locked state Available for all Events except for Desktop Locked/Unlocked No
Frequency Configures how often the Trigger is run per instance (options: Always, Once-per-Process ID, Once-per-Process Name, Once-per-Window) Limited to Process Created, Process Ended, Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events Yes (Default Always)
Stop Processing triggers if this one matches When this Trigger is run, subsequent matching Triggers will not run. Limited to Process Created, Process Ended, Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events No
Idle Timeout (sec)Once the system has gone idle, the Trigger will delay this number of seconds before running any of the Trigger's actions. Limited to System Idle Event Yes (Requires a value of 1 or more)
Interval A delay in seconds before running any of the Trigger's actions. Limited to Timer Interval Event Yes (Requires a value of 1 or more)
Match Consitions
When Process and Window Match Conditions are made available, at least one will need to be populated to save the Trigger.
Condition Definition Dependency Required?
Process Filename Limits the Trigger to a specific application (Enable the checkbox and use the Select Application button to choose. Wildcard usage is acceptable, e.g. C:\Applications\*, or *.*) Limited to Process Created, Process Ended, Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events No
Process Command Line Parameters Limits the Trigger to Applications with specific Parameters (Enable the checkbox to use. Drop the blue target icon onto windows to auto-populate or reference the Windows Task Manager Command Line column for a running process) Limited to Process Created, Process Ended, Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events No
Window Text Limits the Trigger to Applications with specific window Titles (Enable the checkbox to use. Drop the blue target icon onto windows to auto-populate. Multiple entries can be added with a space between each. For other options, see Text Queries.) Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events No
Window Class Limits the Trigger to Applications with specific window Classes. (e.g. dialogs, settings windows, etc. Enable the checkbox to use. Drop the blue target icon onto windows to auto-populate. Multiple entries can be added with a space between each. For other options, see Text Queries.) Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events No
Monitor Profile Limits the Trigger to a specific Monitor Profile. (Enable the checkbox and select a profile to use.) Available for all Events No
Delay before checking match conditions (MS) Sets a delay in milliseconds before checking any set Match Conditions. Limited to Process Created, Process Ended, Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events No
The Actions are what the Trigger performs when initiated. The Actions are performed in the order presented, but can be re-ordered by dragging them into new positions in the Actions pane.
To add Actions, click the "Add" dropdown and select from the Action options. Some options will bring up a window for additional settings. Use the Edit and Delete buttons to edit and delete Actions from the list.
Actions area
Actions list
Action Definition Dependency Additional Options
Wait Sets a delay in milliseconds before the next Action is run (Requires a value of 1 or more). Available for all Events None
Move Window to Selected Monitor Moves the window matching the conditions to a specific monitor. Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events Choice of monitor (required)
Move Window to Mouse Cursor Monitor Moves the window matching the conditions to the monitor where the mouse cursor is located. Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events None
Move Window to Specific Size and Location Moves the window matching the conditions to a specific location and size. (Drop the blue target icon on the window to auto-populate the size and location.) Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events Size and Location Values (required), Maximize Window
Maximize Window Maximizes the window matching the conditions. Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events None
Minimize Window Minimizes the window matching the conditions. Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events None
Center Window on Monitor Centers the window matching the conditions on its current monitor. Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events None
Span Window Maximizes the window matching the conditions across all monitors. Limited to Window Created, Window Destroyed, Window Focused, Window Maximized, Window Minimized, Window Restored Events None
Show Notification Displays a notification. (Uses Windows notification system.) Available for all Events Notification text
Run Function Runs a pre-defined DisplayFusion function. Available for all Events Function select from dropdown (Required)
Run Function: Add New Custom Function Runs a user-customized DisplayFusion function. For more detail, see Custom Functions Available for all Events Name (Required), Function Action (Required), Action configuration (Required), HotKey Combination
Run Function: Add New Scripted Function Runs a user-scripted DisplayFusion function. Available for all Events Language (Required), Name (Required), HotKey Combination, Description, Custom Code
Click "OK" to save the Trigger.
Once a Trigger is configured and saved, it will appear in the Triggers tab list. By selecting a Trigger, you can then edit, delete, enable, and disable it using the buttons at the bottom of the tab window. Triggers within the same Event grouping (e.g. Process Created) will run in the order listed, but can be re-ordered by dragging the Trigger into a new position.
To save and apply any changes, click the "OK" button at the bottom of the Settings window.
DisplayFusion gives users power and precision over their multi-monitor setup, with automation and customization options to create the perfect displays, every time.
To learn more about DisplayFusion, visit:
Binary Fortress has spent 18 years in pursuit of one goal: create software to make life easier. Our software ranges from display management and system enhancement utilities to monitoring tools and digital signage. IT administrators, professional gamers, coffee-shop owners, and MSPs all rely on Binary Fortress to make their days better, and their lives easier.
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The DisplayFusion logo is a trademark of Binary Fortress Software.
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1000 Innovation Drive, Suite 500
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