using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Win32;
public static class DisplayFusionFunction
// Replaces the Windows taskbar with a DisplayFusion taskbar by exploiting transparency behavior.
// When Windows taskbar is fully transparent, it stops receiving input.
// Requires "Show DisplayFusion taskbar on Windows taskbar monitor" setting to be enabled.
// Note: Taskbar movement is required to avoid DF taskbar remaining the height of the Windows taskbar away from the edge of the screen.
// Note: Initialization delay is required for DF to realize that we've moved prior to moving back.
// Note: Initialization delay needs to exceed 350ms on an i9-9900k to work reliably; padded to 1000ms for compatibility.
public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
var taskbarHandle = BFS.Window.GetWindowByClass("Shell_TrayWnd");
if (taskbarHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return;
var monitorId = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorIDByWindow(taskbarHandle);
var monitorBounds = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBoundsByID(monitorId);
// Parse Windows taskbar position from Registry
var taskbarPosition = (Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3")?.GetValue("Settings") as byte[])?[12] switch
{ 0x00 => "L", 0x01 => "T", 0x02 => "R", _ => "B" };
// Find existing DF taskbar on this monitor (if one exists)
var existingClass = BFS.Window.GetAllWindowHandles()
.Select(w => BFS.Window.GetClass(w))
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.StartsWith("DFTaskbar:") &&
// Create temporary taskbar opposite the Windows taskbar
var tempPosition = taskbarPosition switch { "L" => "R", "R" => "L", "T" => "B", _ => "T" };
BFS.DisplayFusion.EnableTaskbarOnSide(monitorId, tempPosition);
// Wait for temporary taskbar to appear
string newTaskbarClass;
while ((newTaskbarClass = BFS.Window.GetAllWindowHandles()
.Select(w => BFS.Window.GetClass(w))
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.StartsWith("DFTaskbar:") &&
BFS.Window.GetBounds(BFS.Window.GetWindowByClass(c)).IntersectsWith(monitorBounds))) == existingClass || newTaskbarClass == null)
// Hide temporary taskbar and wait for initialization
BFS.Window.SetTransparency(BFS.Window.GetWindowByClass(newTaskbarClass), 0);
// Disable Windows taskbar and move DF taskbar to final position
BFS.Window.SetTransparency(taskbarHandle, 0);
BFS.DisplayFusion.EnableTaskbarOnSide(monitorId, taskbarPosition);