using System;
using System.Drawing;
public static class DisplayFusionFunction {
// Based on "Search for Window by Title" by Keith Lammers
public static void Run (IntPtr windowHandle) {
// Will focus the window with a matching file rather than window title. If no file was found, will focus based on title.
// For example, this will focus the actual spotify window if both spotify, and a chrome page about spotify, are running.
// Set to false to reverse priority
bool prioritize_file_over_title = false;
// Set some value to if you want a common app to be available just by pressing enter.
// Personally I set it to "chrome".
string default_app = "";
// Prompt for the text to search for
string searchText = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput ("Enter part of the window title:", default_app);
// Find the window with the matching file name
IntPtr window_by_file = BFS.Application.GetMainWindowByFile ("*" + searchText + "*");
// Find by window title
IntPtr window_by_title = BFS.Window.GetWindowByText ("*" + searchText + "*");
// If file name is prioritzed over window title (i.e. "spotify" over "beatles")
if (prioritize_file_over_title) {
FocusIfFound (window_by_file, window_by_title);
// If window title was prioritized over file name ("beatles" over "spotify")
} else {
FocusIfFound (window_by_title, window_by_file);
// Focus first_option if found. Else, focus second_option
public static void FocusIfFound (IntPtr first_option, IntPtr second_option) {
if (first_option.ToString () != "0") {
BFS.Window.Focus (first_option);
} else {
BFS.Window.Focus (second_option);