//based on the scripted macto by Thomas Malloch at https://www.displayfusion.com/ScriptedFunctions/View/?ID=94f60186-217e-4798-9c78-7f168034ea61
using System;
using System.Drawing;
public static class DisplayFusionFunction
public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
//a string to read and write script settings
const string RecordDeviceIndex = "Script_SelectSpecificAudioDevice_Index";
//read the setting in and try to convert it to an integer
int index;
if(!Int32.TryParse(BFS.ScriptSettings.ReadValue(RecordDeviceIndex), out index))
index = 0;
//NOTE: add a list of the audio devices you want in this array
string[] RecordDevices = {"LogitechMicrophone", "OculusMicrophone", "Microphone"};
//increment the index and use the mod operator
//to keep it in the array bounds
index = ++index % RecordDevices.Length;
//search for the current index in the list of audio devices
string[] allRDevices = BFS.Audio.GetRecordingDevices();
foreach (string device in allRDevices)
//if we didnt find it, continue to the next one
if (device.IndexOf(RecordDevices[index], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
//if we got this far, we found it!
//set the playback and communications device and exit the loop
//save the currently selected index
BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValue(RecordDeviceIndex, "" + index);