using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// The 'windowHandle' parameter will contain the window handle for the:
// - Active window when run by hotkey
// - Trigger target when run by a Trigger rule
// - TitleBar Button owner when run by a TitleBar Button
// - Jump List owner when run from a Taskbar Jump List
// - Currently focused window if none of these match
public static class DisplayFusionFunction
public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
//Note: you'll need FFmpeg for this script to work correctly.
//You can get it from here:
//*Note: Change ffMpegPath with the path to FFmpeg on your computer*//
string ffMpegPath = @"C:\Program Files\FFmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe";
//open a dialog to let the user select a file
using(OpenFileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog())
//setup the OpenFileDialog
openDialog.Title = "Select a File to Transcode";
openDialog.Multiselect = false;
//show the dialog. if the user canceled, exit the script
if(openDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
//open a dialog to let the user save the file
using(SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog())
//setup the SaveFileDialog
saveDialog.Title = "Choose Where to Save the File";
saveDialog.FileName = "output.avi";
saveDialog.Filter = "Audio Video Interleaved|*.avi|Graphics Interchange Format|*.gif|WebM|*.webm|QuickTime File Format|*.mov|MPEG-4|*.mp4|Matroska|*.mkv|Flash Video|*.swf";
//show the dialog. if the user canceled, exit the script
if(saveDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
//run FFmpeg with the settings the user input
BFS.Application.Start(ffMpegPath, string.Format("-y -i \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", openDialog.FileName, saveDialog.FileName));